State of the Onion (2002-2012-2022)
A short reminder, at the beginning of this fifth reporting and budgeting season of four months, to confirm once again that all things "NetPlusUltra®" will remain virtuously beta-locked in the only direction which is economically viable for everyone in the short, medium and long term, until my requirements in matters of conceptual integrity and prototypical self-certification (or "proto-certification") are fully met:
Respect of the legal provisions pertaining to the moral dimensions of European intellectual property law in the strictest French expression thereof, after full conceptualization:
= Legal validation:
- Recognition of legally defined and quantified damages.
- Recognition of the franchising perimeter which frames my "liabilities of reference (Debit+Ultra® [*])".
+ Respect of the legal provisions pertaining to the financial dimensions:= Mastered proto-constitution:
- Financial refunding (in favour of the endowment fund to be constituted), in compensation for the damages sustained by the legitimate author.
- Recognition of the franchising perimeter which frames my "assets of reference (Credit+Ultra® [*])".
= Fulfillment of the legal provisions pertaining to the patrimonial dimensions:= Start of the activities of the "ISO-sphere of Planet+Ultra®":
- Launch of the phase of production of the web-sustained master-franchising services to be developed and provided,
- …inside the master-franchising system of Planet+Ultra® (*).
Which also means that between two instruction progress reports, whatever the type, the maintenance of everything that has been published so far continues…in the right direction as well.
Latest maintenance fixes- Update of the navigation links of the websites of graphic bundles 03/10 (Strata) and 04/10 (Forward), which includes the suppression of all Social-Link-sustained redirection snippets.
- Reconstruction, with Yabdab's "FormSnap 3" stack, of all web forms created with the "FormLoom 4" plugin.
To be continued at BERNDT
Language versionsFrench /
German(*) Further readingTags: Dashfolio, Masterfolio