As a consequence, it is most probably because the validation procedure in progress - by the same excessive abuse of interference power - keeps forcing us to check back over and over again on the same earlier instruction stages (3), with a view to both the rectification of material errors committed against me, and the compensation for the resulting moral, financial and patrimonial prejudice still suffered, that the litigation section of the French State Council refused - by automated email received on 2022-04-21 - my tenth litigation appeal for intervention (filed on 2022-03-31 through Télérecours) against the squatting instances; a denial of justice which, in the absence of a clear written answer to my request for intelligible information regarding the possibilities for appeal and refund, makes my entire directory of cassation folders eligible for a new referral to the ECHR, for the second time since April 2007 in the same case (4).
Rest assured that if the necessity for such a referral were to be confirmed until the next status update, the related procedure would be a simple formality today (5), considering the web-sustained progress built into our computers since 2007. It is much more the unpredictability of processing times, against the background of such excessive interference malpractice, which remains totally abusive, considering the litigation history in the present case…hence the present alert sent through my professional "whistle blog", in order to remind anyone concerned that I’m publishing my concept-sustained feasibility demonstration track "to whom it may concern" in a situation of legitimate self-defense, in support of the instruction procedures I had to initiate so far, whereby all website-based building blocks thereof shall be regarded from start to finish (6) as requests for intervention pertaining (also) to the (smaller technical) issues raised therein which should be fixed along the way without trespassing, through to the final registration portal.
Considering that the consequences of such characteristic abuse of structural defaults are moral, financial and patrimonial, since such stubborn persistence in trying in vain to reject my non-dismissible claims - after having so abusively coerced me into doing the job (7, 8) without even showing me the respect (i.e. the moral integrity) of recognizing the validity of the solution - translates into letting the resulting structural debt inflate to the detriment of all by underfunding nothing but a deficit, I call on both the common sense of societal (i.e. systemic) responsibility of all administrative, judicial and financial instances - French, European and international - already solicited in the present case (3), and the sense of initiative of all actors of civil society who find themselves as "beta-interrupted" in their economic activities as I am, to help bring this flagrant injustice to an immediate and legal stop: we can’t indeed afford to remain impaired any longer in front of a proof of feasibility which is legitimately secured towards successful achievement for all of the underlying global web construction site (9). In other words: stepping back on the proof of conceptual integrity of the web-sustained master-franchising solution to be implemented in order to enable everyone to help themselves out of such situations is totally out of the question, all the more so as the whole issue at this point is about formally authorizing me - as the legitimate author of the said concept solution - to take the business-critical step (9) of the prototypically master-secured constitution of the web service-providing "Next Generation Web Organization" which - as an ISO-sphere entirely dedicated to the unification of the World Wide Web - is conceived so as to both prevent and compensate for any such damages (10).
Accordingly, knowing how clearly it has been demonstrated, based on this published proof of concept, that "NetPlusUltra®" as a self-registered trademark does not in any way refer to a coercion instrument in the service of the establishment of a new form of digital slavery, but a web-sustained master-franchising solution supportive of the sustainable self-development of independent home-based teleworkers (11), I’d like to point out here that my absence from the so-called "community-based social networks (12)" does not in any way reflect some sort of disengagement from my part, as this reciprocal non-accessibility is - quite to the contrary - conceptually representative of the CMS-enabled collaborative interactivity which my specifications-focused front-end is still lacking (14), that only the immediate effective litigation settlement and refund in compensation for the entire situational prejudice suffered can enable me to implement. Put another way: at this stage of the concept-sustained securement of a final incubation phase beta-locked towards safely unfolding the business-critical master-certification process (9), which can only start after the indispensable yet still pending statutory and material reconfiguration that I have been announcing for some time, the main issue - like at the beginning of pre-instruction phase 1 in 2004, and publication phase 2 in 2012 - is to not let conflicting network practices representative of a fundamental (legal and technical) incompatibility, as regards the application of European intellectual property law, cannibalize each other to the detriment of the web-sustained global master-franchising solution to precisely such web incubation issues.
To enable me to fully implement this global "SSL-VPN-PCT (15)" solution in development since late 2005 (16 & 17), which - sustained by a conceptual convergence grid - will provide for both the mastered transition from the "Ancient Generation Internet" to the "Next Generation Web ISO-sphere of Planet+Ultra®" without leaving anyone behind, and the safe dismantling of the statistical impasse where the aggregate structural flaw referred to at "Level 4" of my Sandbox Alpha (18) encloses us, it is therefore urgent to start by ending such excessive sectarian impediment to the (so-called) "process of pure creation (of economic activity)", and to legally recognize the legitimate existence of the "master-perimeter of global endowment" that I am developing as the legitimate web author and solution provider. All the more so as my demo-sustained " conceptual point zero circle (18 & 19)" needs no traffic wardens to confirm the evidence, unlike the cyber-highways to meta-knowledge of my web-sustained master-franchising system, which I need to master-manage under real (full-scale) conditions to ensure that the navigation will remain fluid. Put simply: the solution is not to deny the existence of a structural impasse, but to validate the master-franchising concept that frames the way out of it.
Regarding the conceptual integration of all checkpoints of my Masterfolio (8) - including the still pending CMS modules of the corresponding graphic bundle (13) - into a web franchising service certified as operational (21), the next step of the same process of mastered constitution will be to secure my web production environment with the appropriate SSL certificate, which, by confirming the legal existence of the underlying endowment perimeter, will not only solve the major display issue affecting my CMS modules when visited from a dynamic IP address, but also enable me to complete the development of my dedicated CMS-based web design tool. In the current state of things indeed, one could say that "it displays off (22)", due notably to the technical and legal mismatch between the existing Let’s Encrypt certificate, and the .foundation-sustained domain name, which requires the legal existence of a registered entity.
In the hope of soon having more positive news to announce with regard to the unblocking of the instruction procedure, I will now return to the completion of the R&D section of the present website (23), whose Watchfolio-based reader’s guide is still pending translation (24), after the recent finishing off the Bookfolio gallery (25). The usual maintenance works continue as well, with minor graphic corrections which, without belonging to the new year’s updates or to the next remastering cycle, still help to prepare the upcoming redeployment, either to a new web hosting plan, and/or to a new web design app, depending on whatever new design features will be made available (or not) with the release of RapidWeaver 9 (26). In any case, my Matrix module (22) will be first on the checklist if the release of WordPress 6.0, announced for the end of May, is confirmed (27).
In the meantime, I can only thank you for your attention, patience and support.
Daniela BERNDT
Language versionsFrench /
GermanFurther reading-
- See, whose publication in 2019 shall be considered against the pre-cassation background of the instruction of my appeal to the administrative court:
- See the PDF version dated 2022-05-01 of the page "How to make a valid application" in the "Applicants (> Apply to the Court)" section of the ECHR's website.
- See Keynote 3/5 at
- See Keynote 5 at
- See the CMS-tagged modules at
- See Keynote 6 at
- See, and
- See Keynote 7 at
Version historyTags: Dashfolio, Extrafolio, Hubfolio, Kitfolio, Lifefolio, Masterfolio, Metafolio, Sandbox Alpha, Statfolio, Testfolio Alpha, Testfolio Omega, Trustfolio