Regarding the bottom line issue of excessive abuse of interference wrongdoings which justifies the cassation procedure I had to initiate in January 2020 indeed, I filed on 2021-12-22 my ninth litigation appeal since my request for clarification of declarative situation of February 2017 (to the administrative instances in charge at the time) reached its litigation phase in October 2018, which means that after as many complementary R&D-focused progress reports in sustainable web development (3 to 7), the structural default which enables "backdoor scamming" for lack of appropriate acoustic and thermal insulation might be neutralized, but the resulting situational prejudice is still being…sustained, i.e. not repaired.
This "master case history" brings us back to the prototype-friendly self-sufficiency of European intellectual property law conceptualized towards enabling virtuous self-preservation, an intrinsic quality which, like in the present case, proves particularly salutory when an aggregate structural market sub-efficiency (societal, system[at]ic) confirms itself on the public, .com-based and American side of the leaking-bucket economy, in such a way that it became necessary for me, on the private ".org" side of the European (economic) Union, to develop a conceptually integrated "Next Generation" model of self-sustainment (self-governance) as a global master-franchising solution, which is conceived so as to enable legitimate (franchised) authors to bring their societal innovations to life (8). This is where we stand from a legistical perspective: at the stage of formal recognition of this state of things.
Considering further that each category of my systemic web watchboard (9) corresponds to an essential step of my business-critical (internal) process of conceptual certification, and hence of the legal validation procedure in progress, the funding of my NetPlusUltra®-sustained global master-franchising perimeter (as presented in Keynote 3/5 of my Slidefolio 2021 [10]) therefore (more than ever) requires the entire formal recognition (moral, financial and patrimonial) of the systemic prejudice (medical, legal and technical) which I am still suffering as a private solution developer, since I have been working since 2003 as a web program manager (founding manager in the making) abusively underfunded (unbudgeted) under the excessive constraint of structural default scamming enabled by insufficient insulation. In other words: this absurd situation forces me resort to the retention of my (anti-sectarian) prototype, in order to protect myself and my web concept solution (for which I hold full responsibility as the legitimate author) from a perfectly sectarian offence of denial (obstruction) of justice, by which the "squatting interference malpractitioners" default themselves (and all of us) into nothing but permanent cassation. This is - in essence - what the content of the nine folders of my cassation directory demonstrates.
As explained in my instruction debriefing of 2021-06-30 (11), each of the cassation complaint folders contained in my "master case directory" is not only both inseparable and complementary of everything that precedes it, but also structured by a matrix-based demonstration template optimized for the HTML-based output format (web module), for the following fourfold purpose:
to put the instruction instances on the same page with regard to the perception and comprehension of all societal dimensions of the systemic equation to be resolved;
to detox the squatting interference malpractitioners - which I cannot formally identify - from their own rumors;
to invalidate all rumors which are being abusively upheld against me by such interference malpractitioners, who make this a case of backdoor scamming facilitated by structural default abuse;
to obtain formal recognition of and compensation for the situational prejudice which I am being subjected to; i.e. both the validation and dedicated funding of the web concept solution which I had to develop in order to put a definitive end - at the infrastructural World Wide Web scale - to this type of premeditated sectarian hostage situations.
Put another way: after four years (2018-2021) of a legal validation procedure "by the (structural default of the) contradictory approach", which forces me to demonstrate the opposite of what is being abusively fabricated against me, I have nothing more to counter-declare to the justice administration to remind all "malpracticing interference contradictors" that false declarations "in the back" constitute a double offence.
My web production site will therefore have to remain beta-blocked in "intermission maintenance mode" until the legal instruction instances formally grant my request, knowing further that the maintenance of such a network construction site still represents a full-time workload, since it is the entire capitalization dynamic which is supposed to sustain the renewal of contents (i.e. progressive program achievement) that is being interrupted, with no possibility for the web modules pending redeployment to upgrade themselves without appropriate monitoring by the web author in charge. Considering further that the necessary renewal of my web production equipment must be performed in conceptual compliance with the top-down approach (and not the other way around), this web redeployment from the current intermission stage to the production phase requires a formal prior legal validation of my "master case directory" by the said instruction instances, since all specifications contained therein represent as much evidence (of systemic sub-efficiency on the one side, and conceptual feasibility on my side) which suffices to demonstrate how inconceivable it is to just leave it all squatted this way.
To sum it all up without getting into the medical, legal and technical details of the successive cassation folders of my "master case directory", the following problem-solving process (specified in Keynote 5/5 of the Slidefolio hereto [12]) describes the successive formalization steps of the (pending) validation procedure (in progress):
Creation of the registration file "alpha" pertaining to the mastered constitution of the corresponding provider perimeter (including integrated, i.e. dedicated, secured and guaranteed funding) which will neutralize all excessive abuse of interference power "at the source".
Declarative update of my profile in the management dashboard provided by my professional web hosting services provider.
Redeployment of my web construction site to a duly SSL-certified CMS-enabled production environment, such as a "Performance Hosting" plan to be dedicated (13).
Real estate-related, statutory, material and applicative reconfigurations.
Effective launch of my production phase by (interactive) web publication.
Since I am representing my own case not only as the victim of the prejudice (i.e. as a private individual), but also as both the solution provider (manager of the master-franchising program and related web construction site) and the beneficiary thereof (founding manager in the making), the proto-validation procedure in progress is indeed conceptually "matrixed" so as to enable me to integrate such a compensation procedure into my catalogue of web services intended for any private individual forced to take legal action to obtain compensation for similar damages, which in any case, requires a web franchising system master-certified as operational. Briefly: in the current state of things, there is no other resolution - in matters of "conceptual rebalancing" - which can be master-certified as fully compliant with the "NetPlusUltra® (state of the art)" of master-franchising.
By providing for the straightening of everything that is totally contrary to the sequential logic of things in the contradictory approach imposed by PDF-based tele-instruction procedures (such as "Télérecours" and "e-PCT", in the version of late 2006 thereof), such a web-sustained master-franchising concept solution in matters of the continuous matrix integration of best practices - which consists in validating what we demonstrate as we develop - provides for the embedded proto-certification, by the franchised author holding responsibility for his (her) work, of web solutions which, like mine, cannot be filed by classic means of tele-deposit, while at the same time requiring formal legal validation, not only because two confirmations are better than one, but first and foremost because the whole point of the "master (codex)" of "web franchising" is precisely to provide a safeguard against any type of self-proclamatory rationale that aims at exempting itself from the rule of conceptual integr[al]ity of the demonstration.
Daniela BERNDT
LanguagesFrench /
GermanFurther reading-
- See the present Weblog categories, which are the same as those of the Watchfolio.
Tags: Dashfolio, Masterfolio