

Author’s note: considering that the present web construction panel embeds two distinct timeline rationales into one another for the purpose of concept demonstration (namely: the readers’ guide timeline and the reverse chronology of the quoted news posts), the RSS feed hereto will remain disabled, as the activation thereof would only make the purpose of the demonstration unclear.

Sustainable Self-Development

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Enabling each franchised internet user to receive a self-sustainable income from the solutions he or she develops implies - beyond a simple virtualization of the intellectual property code, which only leads to a conflict of interests and divergent regimes - to conceptualize the dual principle of moral and patrimonial protection enshrined in European intellectual property law in the strictest French expression thereof, in order to make it the guiding principle of the one economic (and organizational) model which is the most compatible in terms of the secure transmission of know-how, and therefore of data protection, and which is none other than that of master-franchising, considered as a commercial model of network economy.
The result of this conceptualization by the NetPlusUltra®-sustained process formula is the Codex+Ultra® of web-sustained master-franchising in all fields of societal R&D, which notably enables to secure the critical transition from the existing model of geopolitical economy - that the internet has virtualized into an interconnection of leaking buckets and thermal sieves - to the master-franchising model conceptualized into a "next generation web economy", i.e. into a web-enabled system of self-sustainable governance entirely self-managed through conceptually (virtuously) integrated incentive mechanisms based on the bonus/malus rationale specific to insurance models.
To put it briefly: the bonus is the reward that a master-franchised user receives by virtue of his or her contribution to the development and dissemination of best practices, whereas the malus is a penalty that the same franchised user would inflict upon him- or herself for disregarding the recommendations of the integrated decision support system, knowing that the latter does not in any way prevent anyone from proposing better solutions.
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